Cloak And Google
Friday brought a flurry of breathless news stories on the appearance of mysterious billboard along Highway 101 in Silicon Valley.
The billboard states:
{ First 10 digit prime in consecutive digits of e }.com
In almost zero seconds flat, not only was the puzzle solved, but also the owner of the mysterious advertisement and its associated web site revealed to be Google. The second part of the puzzle, a mathematics problem at the aforementioned website, required a little bit of time and lateral thinking to solve, but was similarly discovered and broadcast across the Internet in short order.
The part that interests me about this: here’s Google, renowned for its search technology – why do they have to go to these levels to find good candidates for open positions? While I can understand they are undoubtedly deluged by applications for open positions (my wife, for example, has applied several times for several Google jobs for which she is ideally suited and has not even scored an interview), this is Google we’re talking about – don’t they have a crack team of spare PhDs stowed somewhere to solve this kind of problem? And if not, what hope do they have of solving the problem of enabling search on enterprise desktops (unstructured data) when they appear unable to solve the problem for resumes (an arguably fairly structured form of information).
I’m not exactly sure what problem this advertisement was designed to solve. According to CNet, Google comments on the numerous tactics it has been using to find qualified candidates:
“As you can imagine, we get many, many resumes every day, so we developed this little process to increase the signal-to-noise ratio.”
But does this latest attempt really solve the problem of too many low quality resumes? Anyone looking for a job at Google doesn’t need to figure out the answer for this problem – ironically, they’ll be able to just use Google to find the answer now that everyone on the Internet is gabbing about it. The fatal flaw in Google’s plan was that it failed to incorporate a dynamic element to the problem – the puzzle erects no barriers to prevent a different person from using the answer. If Google had been smart, they would have made the problem different for each person who visited the first puzzle’s web site, enabling them to further cut down on the number of flakes dumping their crappy resume to Google.
That said, it was still a brilliant plan. Google seems to really have the hang of viral marketing and building value by letting its customers/audience do the work. I recently heard that Google’s initial marketing had a similar bent: they handed out golf shirts to VCs. Clever. Gmail also had a very viral marketing plan which allowed people to join by invitation. Even the original search technology is viral to a certain extent – Google leaves the problem of organizing data to web sites, and simply scoops up to the links to extract context and provide matches to search terms.
Maybe that’s what disappoints me about the latest scheme: it clever, but not as clever as I’ve come to expect from Google.
And for those of you who simply arrived here searching for the answer to the math puzzle, here it is. After going to you’ll be presented with another anonymous web page stating:
Congratulations. You’ve made it to level 2. Go to and enter Bobsyouruncle as the login and the answer to this equation as the password.
f(1)= 7182818284
f(2)= 8182845904
f(3)= 8747135266
f(4)= 7427466391
f(5)= __________
So, what’s the next number in the sequence? Once you realize the sequences are from the constant e, there were a number of ways to attack this problem – for one, you could have just brute-forced the login with a simple script to iterate through all the 10-digit sequences in e. But a little observation shows all the sequences have the property that the sum of the number in the sequence is 49. Thus, f(5) is the next 10-digit sequence in e whose individual digits sum to 49. Rather than solve this problem manually, you could just write a quick piece of code to solve the problem. For your reference, the digits of e are:
While I could provide you with the code to perform the final step, I’d hate to kneecap Google’s efforts entirely. Most of the hard work is done – if you’re really that lazy, you might try looking at the screenshots on MarketingVOX – they’ll show you the email address where you end up submitting your resume. I’m not sure if this is cheating or not – sometimes the best way to win the game is to avoid having to play it at all – but I’ll leave it up to you to decide whether that’s right or not.
I’m willing to bet that the primary intended effect of this publicity stunt was not to collect a few resumes from a few smartypants, but rather to promote the idea that Google is very, very picky.
Everyone has a little supply-and-demand model in their head; the coolness of working at Company X must be directly related to the difficulty of getting in the door…
So I see the line about “increasing the signal-to-noise ratio” as a nugget of pure, sweet, Grade A marketing bullshit. They are going to get MORE resumes coming through the fax machine as a result of this, and that’s probably what they want.
I’ve seen first-hand the volume of resumes that come by having a jobs website. I would surmise the SNR on web portals compared to any other method of recruiting is much lower because the amount of effort required to submit a resume is almost zero. Maybe an extra 5 minutes if you want a cover letter.
I do believe Google’s technique will have some effect of weeding out the people that just look for a “” and send a quick email. The ones who do go through the effort of either solving the problem or, ironically or not, Googling the solution probably have something useful to offer Google.
Google is looking for a Numerical Analyst??
I don’t think so…
One of the other parts I wonder about this: is this tactic a way of enabling Google to search for candidates without violating their pre-IPO quiet period?
Despite Google’s reportedly strict pre-IPO quiet period precaustions (taken to extremes, including not sharing info with investment banks and threatening to fire employees who blab) could this be another in a long list of sneaky way in which Google is trying to play by the quiet period rules without completely shutting down the company until the IPO is complete?
Actually, I have found that these kinds of “lateral thinking” puzzles accomplish exactly the wrong thing. They select for people *who think exactly like the corporation already thinks* rather than those likely to come up with a different solution.
For example, if I have done my math correctly, a quick fit of those numbers to a third order polynomial f(x)=A*x^3+B*x^2+C*x+D comes up with the solution of 2775619300 (it’s even an integer!) for f(5). There are many other solutions that would be just as good.
Personally, I think this is the mark that Google has actually peaked. It is now beginning to think just like every other corporation of its size.
And for those who wanted to see the original billboard, the image is available on the Google blog.