Most. Depressing. Olympics. Ever.
Seriously, what’s up with NBC’s commentary on the Olympics? They can’t seem to make it through a description of an athlete or an event without invoking the macabre. Deaths in the family. Mothers on dialysis. Heinous war crimes. I thought this was supposed to be a happy event – instead, it’s like spending two weeks with relative that’s constantly reminding you about how bad they had it when they were a kid.
If I want that kind of grief, I’ll watch the news.
Move back to Canada and quit your griping! It’s obvious that our news is far superior.
Actually the next games are to be covered by not the CBC.
Boycott the games and their profit generating puppet masters! Down with the not CBC coverage of the 2008 and 2010 games!
That aside the usual Canadian CBC/TSN coverage is quite good from what I have seen. It is always nice to watch sports that there is nary a Canadian in the running, eg. Biathalon, get just as enthusiastic coverage as, say, Hockey.