Starbucks Words of Wisdom #105
A couple of weeks ago, I was in New Jersey and learned that the words of my brother-in-law, Rob Waldron, had been featured on a Starbucks coffee cup as #105 in their series of “words of wisdom” on coffee cups:
According to the Federal Reserve Bank, $1 spent on excellent preschool education saves $7 in special education, social service and future incarceraton costs more than a dozen years later. Are we, as citizens, willing to elect government leaders who spent our taxes on something that offers a return so far in the future? I hope so.
–Rob Waldron
President and CEO of Jumpstart, a national nonprofit early education organization.
This sounds all well and good. The key word here being “excellent”. Who is offering this excellent preschool education and who is decicing what is “excellent”. A multitude of problems exsist in front of this “excellent preschool education”.Starting with parents who are having children they cannot afford to feed. If you cannot feed a child how are you going to afford this education, yet alone the $3.00 a gallon for gas to get them there. When both parents are working there is not enough bonding and proper care. Is a child care worker truly interested in the success of someone elses child? Parents refuse to dish out proper disciplin (have you seen any of these nanny show’s)and teacher’s hands are tied. So now a few are slowing down the whole class. This politically correct attitude has now put American children in 35th place in the world (Prime Time). Children who are lazy and lack personal disciplin grow up to be to lazy to educate themselves on the politicians and the process that would truly make an “excellent preschool education” system.
Good Luck,