Fun In The Sun

It’s a rare occasion in Vancouver for the sun to shine on a weekend, the fickle visitor preferring to taunt the inhabitants of Lotus Land on Thursday before departing for an early weekend sometime around lunch on Friday. However, the unprecedented sunshine of the last two weekends was enough to drag even a photophobic nerd like myself to seek a source of Vitamin D other than my CRT. So, what to do in the sun?

Aaahhh! We're gonna die and this raft will be our casket!Well, how about some rafting? We spent the weekend before last on a getaway with Ashley’s employer, Resort Reservations, up at Whistler enjoying a day out with Whistler River Adventures. We took a nice “trip” down the Birkenhead Rver near Pemberton, paddling like fanatics and pretending to control our destiny. And then back to the ranch for barbeque. Mmm…barbeque.

The only bummer part of our weekend in Whistler was the Blackcomb Lodge. Though the accommodations themselves were nice, their location in the heart of Whistler Village was, well, unsuitable. We were located on the “noisy” side, directly across from one of the restaurants…it was so noisy, I thought the cleaners had left the window open in our room. Alas, no.

Note to self: never stay at Blackcomb Lodge again.

After recuperating at work all week, we headed out to C-Fest, a beginner’s Ultimate tournament, with our fearless team leader Evan. Though we’d never played Ultimate before, except for the two practices we had beforehand, we did pretty well, had a lot of fun and, most importantly, didn’t do ourselves any irreparable serious injury. Well, most of us anyway. Ashley pulled a groin muscle and I’m currently walking like an old man because my ankles are sore, but other than that nothing major.

Next weekend is Farshad‘s boat party. So much for a quiet summer spent sleeping. Oh well.

Déjà Déjà Vu

Nothing pisses me off like a rip-off artist. Waitaminute, haven’t I said this before?

Why yes I have.

This is second time I’ve found some blatant rip-off artist while perusing my server’s logs. I’m the first to admit that I have a nice site, but a web site is a form of personal expression.

What does it say about you when you dress yourself up in another person’s web site?

It says you’re a jackass, that’s what it says.

These are the kind of vacuous bubbleheads that dress up in clothes with huge brand name logos plastered all over them. Psst! Guess what? You’re not fooling anyone! Nobody thinks you’re a completely different person just because you changed your packaging. People can always strip away the wrapping, discarding the superficial exterior to get at the truth within. And when they get there, what would you prefer they see? A creative individual with a strong work ethic and original ideas, or some copycat who’s too lazy or uncreative to even create their own web site?

I think the choice is clear. Let’s just hope I don’t have to revisit this issue yet again.