How Rogers Should Have Marketed the iPhone

It is with a certain amount of cynicism that the geek hordes sized up Rogers‘ newly unveiled teaser campaign for the forthcoming iPhone 3G. Nothing like a teaser for a product that was just announced to the world at the Apple WWDC on Tuesday.

How tragic. True, Rogers is being handed an effective monopoly (i.e. more than usual) for the world’s hottest mobile device, and has even announced what’s going to be released. But that’s no reason to half-ass the marketing. Jobs must be having an aneurysm.

This is what they should have done instead:
How Rogers Should Have Marketed the iPhone


Jobs’ Keynote as a Greek Chorus

BoingBoing arranged to capture the running commentary on His Jobness’ WWDC 2008 Keynote on the #boingboing IRC channel. As a greek chorus. The results are hilarious – I even make a couple of appearances (writing as “Rogan”):

JOBS: In extra-dimensional realms beyond your fleshy ken, the gods mellifluously speak through crystalline conches–a far cry from your ‘blogs,’ monkey men. (Contemptuously) Blogs. A strange sheep-like bleating. A bovine cut-and-paste. Oh, I will give you your blogs, filth beasts. I will give you them! BEHOLD! Birthed of my seed in the belly of my own daughter, TYPEPAD… FOR BLOGGING ON THE GO!

CHORUS (Rogan): TypePad on iPhone: Now you can have people ignore posts you write anywhere!
