Most. Depressing. Olympics. Ever.

Seriously, what’s up with NBC’s commentary on the Olympics? They can’t seem to make it through a description of an athlete or an event without invoking the macabre. Deaths in the family. Mothers on dialysis. Heinous war crimes. I thought this was supposed to be a happy event – instead, it’s like spending two weeks with relative that’s constantly reminding you about how bad they had it when they were a kid.

If I want that kind of grief, I’ll watch the news.

Music = Performance Enhancing Drug?

A number of sources are reporting on a Baltimore Sun story pointing out that Olympic athletes in Torino are acting as unwitting billboards for Apple’s iPod. Most interesting is the fact that the athletes have not only been using the device as they train and prepare to compete but also are, in some cases, wearing the devices as they’re competing.

I have to wonder, given the known effect that music has on the brain, couldn’t this count as a “performance enhancing drug”?