moves the robot to the home position. |
MOVE JOINT {joint} {variable} |
moves joint specified by the {joint} integer
to the given {variable}. |
MOVE XYZ {x} {y} {z} |
Moves the robot's tool to the specified
x, y, z coordinates. |
GOTO XYZ {name} |
Moves the robot's tool to the XYZ position
defined by {name. |
GOTO POS {name} |
Moves the robot to a position defined
by {name}. |
DEFINE XYZ {name} {x} {y} {z} |
Defines a XYZ endpoint called {name} given
by {x}, {y} and {z}. |
DEFINE POS {name} |
Assigns the robot's current position the
mnemonic {name}. |
SET SPEED {speed} |
Sets the robot's motor speeds. |
WAIT {time in milliseconds} |
Waits for {time in milliseconds} before
issuing next command. |